

Communication training for professionals

Short courses on communication skills 

London  / Dubai 

Classroom / in-house / live online

Internationally accredited

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ISOC helps all kinds of people to build better professional communication skills: CEOs, special needs teachers, ambassadors, human rights lawyers, billionaires, Ministers, athletes, United Nations officials.

We train everyone from Prime Ministers to rocket scientists.

Global brands trust ISOC for communication training

Professionals build business-boosting skills on ISOC courses

Featured training topics

Public Speaking and Presentation Skills

ISOC presentation training and coaching programmes help people create simple, clear and compelling presentations and speak engagingly in public. You can attend a public course face to face in London or Dubai, connect live online via Zoom, or join us in a custom private session for you or your team.

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Media Training

Build interview skills in realistic video simulations with positive, supportive coaching. Practice the latest techniques on messaging, body, voice and answering difficult questions. You can join media training either face to face or remotely live online.

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Featured live online course

Internal Communications

This two-part Internal Communications training course covers employee communications from A to Z. You will learn to design sophisticated internal communication strategies, plans and campaigns. Topics include change management and best practice on how to communicate with employees in times of uncertainty or crisis.

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Featured elearning course

Media Training elearning

Our self-paced media training suite is the most comprehensive available anywhere online. Learn from one of the world’s top media trainers, with 20 years’ experience coaching more than 2,000 spokespeople for interviews worldwide.

 • 29 instructional modules and video case studies
 • 8 hours of guided interactive learning
 • Currently discounted from $495 to ONLY $287

Enroll here - 42% DISCOUNT

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